Tuesday, March 16, 2010

hondas problem/solution

Honda is a very image based company; they strive for excellence and do whatever it takes for customer satisfaction. Recently Honda has had a problem with their airbags overinflating. Honda says that their air bags might over inflate and burst spraying potentially deadly metal shards at their consumers if they are involved in a wreck. This will hurt the brand image of Honda which will be a drastic blow to the organization. This is because Honda is such an image based organization. Honda does a very good job of handling these situation and they fix these problems before they turn in potential treating situations.

There are many ways to solve the problems that Honda is having. Many of the resolutions that can fix the problem are not beneficial to the way that Honda does business but there is one solution that will fix the problem and have a positive outcome. The solution to the problem that Honda has is the focused differentiation strategy. This strategy will focus on the market segment of the special needs of the buyers. The consumers in America tend to have a higher crash ratio and this means that Honda needs to put more emphasis on air bag safety. This is how they will exploit the market, advertising that they have put much needed emphasis on the safety of the cars they produce. This will expand the market and reassure the consumers of Honda that they are making the best product possible and that their safety will be reassured when they purchase and drive a Honda vehicle or any other Honda product.

hondas international competetive strategy

Hondas international competitive strategy is multidemestic strategy. This is because Honda sells many products in many different regions that demand different aspects from relatively the same product. People in the USA want motorcycles from Honda to be sporty and powerful, while people in other countries use their motorcycle for everyday transportation and they need it to be gas friendly and almost maintenance free. This different aspect of the same product that Honda produces makes Honda have to follow multidemestic strategy. Honda does this with almost every product that it sells due to the variation of the products that they sell and the uses that they have all around the world.

hondas international entry strategy

Honda is a worldwide company that is identifiable in all regions of the world. Honda does a considerable amount of business in foreign markets that it exports to. Honda’s international entry strategy is exporting for that very reason. Honda recently set up a 100% export oriented auto manufacturing facility in china to provide for all of the exporting it does. For Honda to devote a whole facility and put millions of dollars into it, Honda had to realize the advantages of making products for foreign markets. Honda’s market share in foreign countries goes up every year and the organization plans on this to keep going up due to their massive research and development that goes on with the products they provide. Honda has many competitors in the markets that they are involved with. The next paragraph will talk about Hondas international competitive strategy.

hondas corporate strategy

Honda is a company that is involved in many aspects of business. They have Honda jet, Honda power (small engines), Honda motorcycle, and Honda motors (Automobiles). This makes Honda a diversified company involved in many aspect of business around the world. Honda’s corporate strategy is unrelated diversification strategy for this every reason. When Honda jet and Honda motorcycle make their products to sell to consumers they cannot relate these products in the manufacturing process or any other process. There are too many differences in how the products are made, how they are used and how they are sold. People that want a Honda motorcycle have no use for a Honda jet motor, and the people that want Honda jet motors have no use for a motorcycle engines in their jets. This is where Honda has two different product lines that have no way of meeting on the value chain to increase profits.

hondas generic strategy

Honda is a broad company that tries to reach all of it consumer in the most effective ways possible. Honda always tries to be an innovator when it comes to their products in the market. They spend a considerable amount in their R&D department trying to differentiate their products from competitors. Honda’s generic strategy is differentiation, this is because Honda always strives to create and produce products of the highest quality at a reasonable price for worldwide consumer satisfaction. Honda has a slogan that says “everyone one knows someone that loves a Honda”. Honda tries to separates itself away from other car companies by projecting an image that their consumers only have things good to say about their product. Honda strives for consumer satisfaction and customer loyalty, because they know that satisfied customers will help the company project their image into the market. Honda customers think that when they buy a Honda automobile, they are buying more than just a car, or a truck, they are buying something that will last a life time and will hold its resale value. Honda customers expect to be able to pass there automobile down to their kids or grand kids.

security measuring stick

Security should be measure in not how many processes you have set up to protect against security breaches but how your employees act. This is how informed are your employees. If they are put in a situation will they make the right choose? This is how security should be measured. You have to put the responsibility on the people that handle the data; you cannot put all the emphasis on the security system. A truly good secure organization will have competent employees who know how to handle sensitive information and strive to protect it, with the knowledge that they have been provided with by the organization.

running a pilot program

You can run a pilot in many ways, but the overall effect is to work out the kinks in the system before it is rolled out and to improve on the processes if they can be improved upon. This pilot process is also just to see if the process is good enough or if the people think that it will be effective enough to implement. When a pilot is ran it is usually ran with many of the upper manager so that the best minds in the company can pick apart the strategy so that when they tell their department to implement the system that it will go smooth. You can also run a pilot where you pull people from different parts of the organization that show good leadership and that people trust, understand and relate to. This will help the strategy get accepted faster and make the whole process easier. Running a pilot also checks to see if the implementation will be feasible to the whole organization. When you run a pilot everyone might love the new strategy but the strategy might not be in the best interest of the company at that point in time because it is too costly to implement and will tie up to much capital.

optimizing processes

The next step in the process is to optimize the processes and technologies. This can be a great undertaking but in the end the reward for making everything so efficient will be worth it. If you optimize the process at your organization this means that when your organization is working they are making the most progress forward to get a job done faster and more effective. This will greatly improve cost and the functionality of the organization. The technology that you use to do these processes is also important in making your processes effective. If you have the best team in the world but the technology is outdated then you will be no better off than a less effective team with update technology. Advanced technology and advanced processes go hand in hand you can hardly have a good process without a good technology catching the data off the process, or supplying the data to the process.

supporting employees

After you have figured out how to look at the data, go use it, the next step in the process is to enable people and empower them. You can do this by encouraging your employees to do their best. You can tell them that you have full confidence in them at all times and it is ok to mess up. If they do you will not get on to them you will help them to improve themselves for the next situation. Empowering employees is a critical part in organizations, if an employee thinks that if they mess up they will get fired or fussed at then they will be less likely to do anything that would help the organization. An empowered employee will find new ways to do things to make the organization more effective and efficient and this will propel the organization forward. Just think of the employees at an organization like the engine in a car the managers control the car but the engine does all the work. If the managers give the engine plenty of gas and keep the oil changed the engine will go far but if the managers cut off the fuel to the engine then the car will not go far. This would be the same if the managers gave the engine plenty of fuel but no oil, the engine would try but then it would cease. Managers have to give the resources needed to do the job and the empowerment to do the job as well.

Process Formulation

If you go through the organization and figure out the processes of how things work and fit together you can get a much better outcome than if you do not understand them. The information that comes through an organization is vital but where that information comes from is just as vital. The people in the organization are a key component to how an organization functions. Once you go through the organization and figure how things work you have to do something with that information so that it can help you in your decision processes. If the data that you gather is not put together right then all the work you did figuring out the information was a waste. The way you analyze the data is just as important as gathering the information in the first place.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6 degrees of separation

This is where you are never 6 hops away on the internet from anyone. Someone can get in touch with anyone in the world. This is a key thought to think about if you know how big the world is. This means that there are many people that are connected with many other people. The world is just one big social network and the more we are connected the more we will learn from one another.


Facebook is a good way to get connected with other individuals. If everyone had a facebook account the world would be a whole lot more connected. There is also another way to connect to other individual this through twitter. Twitter is also another social network so that you can connect with people. Some people can take facebook and twitter too seriously and they become stalkers. This is the major drawback to facebook is stalkers. Facebook is easy to break into and if you talk right most people will think you are the person that you are impersonating and they might get drawn into meeting someone somewhere and getting rapped or robbed. These are the drawbacks but the gains of social networks far out weights the bad. This is why everyone should have a social network account somewhere.

Statistic information

Companies use data everyday to get a better picture of their consumers. Stats are a key point in every organization these days. If companies did not use stats today most companies would fall apart because they are so reliant on the information they get to make their products and how much to send and how to ship. Stat also tells the best things to send at this time and what not to send at this time. Stats are a major factor in organizations and they are just going to get bigger and bigger in the overall picture of organizations.

Learning In Organizations

Learning in organization is changing for the better. Organizations are finally using employees to get a better idea of the overall view of the organizations. Companies are starting from the bottom and working their way up when they implement things. Companies found out that it is much easier to figure out how things can be implemented and go from there instead of wanting something and figuring out later that it cannot be done that way and the way that it can be done is not the way they wanted. Companies are finally taking advantage of the employees they hire for more than just their labor.


The context in which organizations operate is key to the success of organizations. If a company wants to grows its business it should reach out to the consumer and get their opinion on certain issues. Getting consumer information will help a business more than any other form of data. This is also the only source of data that a company can get for free. Creating a blog and letting people tell you what they think is one of the best ways to show this idea. A company should always know what their consumers are thinking in this day and age. There should never be a product that a company should not have a good idea on how it will sell. If a company does not use consumer information they are only hurting themselves.

different ways to collect and view data

DATA- a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn

INFORMATION- knowledge acquired through experience or study

KNOWLEDGE- facts known by a person or group of people

WISDOM- the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge,experience, understanding, common sense and insight

Value creation

This is where if you get many people working together they come up with a much better idea than if just one person came up with it. This happens because different people come up with different ways of viewing a problem. The more ways you can look at a problem the more versatile the answer to the problem will be.

Barriers- this is where people will either help you or they won’t because they don’t know you or they want all the knowledge themselves.